‘Murder in the Citizens’ Jury’ on tonight

This is a one-man play performed by multi-award-winning actor, Jack Klaff (Star Wars and others). It explores the ethical dilemma of the Director of Public Prosecutions who must decide whether to prosecute the murder, when to do so has implications for humanity and his own family. Drawing upon the tradition of ‘theatre-in -education’, the objective is to use the play to raise awareness of citizens’ assemblies. It’s on today: Saturday 20th April at 7.30pm at Southampton Central Library. The event lasts 60-90 minutes and includes Q&A afterwards. Get tickets here

The event will be live streamed from https://www.youtube.com/@greenstoriesuk/streams.

The play is a shortened adaptation of the TV series ‘The Assassin’ which won ‘Writing Climate Pitchfest’ and is under consideration by Hollywood producers!