We are re-opening the Green Stories Novel Prize with a revised deadline of 26th June. The judges didn’t feel that submissions so far met the criteria of reader engagement and green solutions to the extent of meriting the £1000/$1200 prize. A common problem was to show problems rather than solutions, and/or not have enough ‘hooks’ to keep the reader engaged and turning the page. We therefore encourage writers to check out the competition guidelines fully and read suggested examples to give themselves the best chance of winning. This will be the last novel format for a while, unless we secure further sponsorship, so we are holding out for a really good winner that we can mentor towards publication.
We are likely to run the Green Stories Novel Prize again in the future, so keep up to date by following us on social media.
Facebook: greenstoriessoton
Twitter: GreenstoriesUK
Instagram: greenstoriessoton
Blue Sky: Green Stories
It might be easier for the organisers to commission a novel. This way, they could specify in detail what they want the novel to contain. Potential authors would then know exactly what is required. The problem with a competition where a new deadline is created after the existing deadline ends is that it’s not a competition. In a competition, when the deadline ends, one of the entrants is awarded a prize. If no one is awarded a prize and a new deadline is created, then it’s more akin to a failed tendering process. With this in mind, would the sponsors be interested in switching to a commission approach?
Hi Adrian
Thanks for the idea, it’s something we will consider.
I want to enter my chapters, though haven’t been able to work out how! Where is the email address or link? I’ve just ended up in a clicking circle that’s taken me back here. You won’t get entrants if writers can’t work out how.
The deadline isn’t until 26th June. The website says: Submission link will be available from 1st June
OK. This isn’t clear at all, as what I read refers to a deadline being extended.
The clarification provided clears up many questions, but what is the word limit for this competition?
all details on https://www.greenstories.org.uk/upcoming-competitions/adult-novel-prize/
Could you please confirm whether the novel competition includes youth fiction (for youth aged 12 and above)? Thank you.
Hi Sonia
We’re not interested in children’s stories but young adult is accepted.