Judges needed to judge short story entries

Thank you to everyone that has reached out to offer their support. We really appreciate every single person who has offered up their time and expertise to help with judging all the entries we’ve received. At the moment we have enough judges to judge the Clean Vs Green competition, but if you are interested in helping out with future judging opportunities, please do still contact us.

Green Stories needs your help with judging competition entries for our short story Clean vs Green competition. We received so many great entries that we need more hands on deck to help with judging. We will acknowledge judges on our judges and sponsors page on our website and we can offer Amazon vouchers as a thank you. We depend on volunteer judges to make these competitions work, so any help you can give in the coming weeks would be much appreciated. We can be flexible with how many stories we assign you.

If you have some time to read in the coming weeks or have any questions, contact us at greenstories@soton.ac.uk

Thank you!

-Green Stories Team


  1. I am able to help judging stories. My short fiction has been published in places such as Flash Frontier, Takahe and The Best Small Fictions. One of my stories was a finalist in Micro Madness 2020.

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